
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Where Rainbow Ends - Cecelia Ahern

Cecelia Ahern is just so AMAZING!

Amazing I say! 

And I just read this book halfway.

And it got me crying.

It gave me the feelings I usually have when I'm reading a very good book.

Where I can connect with the characters in the book.

And I did.

It made me cry.

It's not a sad story.

It's more like a journey of finding love between best friends.

aaaww... :)

I love it.

I want to fall in love with my best friend.

But sadly, that person have yet to appear in my life.. >.<

Well, that doesn't matter much.


Since I am talking about this book.

I have yet to finish it.

But it's just so good!

One thing I learned halfway from the book is that:

1. When you like someone, tell him/her about your feelings. 
yeah, still a Mr. X for me! xD
Who knows they might feel the same way about you too! <3

2. Don't let your insecurities shy you away from finding love. :D

I do think my love story will turn out different... <3
3. Don't ruin your friendship with just a little misunderstanding. :)

The story is really~ really sweet~~ <3

It's a must-read from me!.. <3

Till then.. :D 

~ Cause all relationships start from the mere step of being a friend~ <3

Ah! The story is just so touching! <3 TOT


Oh~ before I go~ Here's one song to complement the story~~~ <3

enjoy~~ <3

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